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I am currently working on several projects, to share my journey and my passions.

From Paris to Santa Fe,
going throughYuma, Roswell and Hell!

What happened to the "American Dream"?


This book is a memoir on my personal experience moving from Paris, France to Santa Fe, NM sharing the good, the bad and the ugly about marriage, immigration, motherhood, single parenting, and a lot more (cultural shocks, education…) far, far away from the “American dream”.


I believe that, even now in 2016, most Europeans picture anybody who has moved to the US as the “lucky ones”, living THE American dream! They still see the United States as the land of opportunities (and there is some truth in that) but this land can be also very inhospitable.


And in my experience, reality crushed the dreams, all the dreams. Not even a week after I moved, facing an abusive american husband, I have nowhere to live, nowhere to go, too proud to come back I guess and determined to make the best out of every single situation! This was a very challenging journey that I tried to embrace with a positive attitude for me and for my daughter!

Feng Shui for Kids,
explained to parents and kits for kids!


Feng Shui is acknowledged and recognized around the world as an art AND a science of placing object to enhance a space in a positive and supporting way. ​

In some culture it is part of their life and part of the business. Why not using it with our children to teach them how to organize and own their own space. 

From knowledge and experience I share an easy kit for parents AND children to re-discover their space and embrace and support the changes coming into their lives.










Entre Deux

Pour mes compatriotes de France!


Even if I wrote in both languages since I moved here in the US, because of the environment I write mostly in English. BUT I also felt that I needed to share in my native language and with my country! SO here it is, Entre Deux is mostly about my experience here in the states feeling "in between", in between culture, in between world. We think that between Europe and the United States, there's probably not much cultural differences or not huge gap in philosophy, life... BUT there is! Gaps are HUGE and I'm sharing my own experience so my hope is that we can get and keep the best of each culture instead of the contrary. 











Croyez-moi , C'est pas toujours l'Amerique!
Le "reve americain".. on en a tous parle, on en a tous entendu parle aussi, le pays des opportunites, le pays ou tout est possible... Cela peut etre vrai pour certains et c'est de ceux la que l'on entend parle. On oublie ceux qui ont galere, ceux qui n'ont pas reussi ou qui ne sont pas sous les feux de la rampe, ceux pour qui tout n'a pas ete rose, pas d'assurance, pas de soins medicaux et je ne parle pas des nombreuses familles venant d'Amerique du Sud qui sont automatiquement discriminees.... Je parle de gens "normaux" comme on pourrait dire, des gens qui n'ont pas fui un pays en guerre ou en pauvrete, a la recherche d'opportunite ou d'asile. 
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